How to use this box with Vagrant:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "starlabio/almalinux8-6-titanium-test"
vagrant init starlabio/almalinux8-6-titanium-test
vagrant up
This version was created 6 months ago.
testing new version
This version was created 8 months ago.
Alma Linux 8.6 for test
This version was created 8 months ago.
Initial version
This version was created about 1 year ago.
Use simplified python script instead of transient for creating image, update numpy version, and cleanup of image creation.
This version was created about 1 year ago.
Test with Swap file
This version was created about 1 year ago.
Updated numpy version
This version was created about 1 year ago.
Test updated image creation publish procedure
This version was created about 1 year ago.
Use simplified python script instead of transient for creating image
This version was created about 1 year ago.
stop installing unneeded python2 and python3-systemd components
This version was created about 1 year ago.
Test version for branch fix-alma-transient-setup