How to use this box with Vagrant:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "sinergi/centos-65-x64"
vagrant init sinergi/centos-65-x64
vagrant up
This version was created over 10 years ago.
Updated sudo command to be able to use composer and fixed issue with vagrant user in sudoers
This version was created over 10 years ago.
There isn't a description.
This version was created over 10 years ago.
Updated packages 2014-06-12
This version was created over 10 years ago.
Updated packages 2014-06-12
This version was created over 10 years ago.
Updated packages 2014-06-12
This version was created over 10 years ago.
Updated packages 2014-06-09
This version was created over 10 years ago.
Initial release 2014-03-10