How to use this box with Vagrant:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "simpel/bll"
vagrant init simpel/bll
vagrant up

This version was created 11 months ago.

  • new zend server version 2021.3.2
  • log provisioning changes
  • jq and yq added
1 provider for this version.
  • virtualbox
    amd64 Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (1.17 GB)

This version was created about 1 year ago.

  • HTTPS/SSL encryption added for nginx and lighttpd
1 provider for this version.
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (1.16 GB)

This version was created over 1 year ago.

Adding warehouse sftp directory mock

1 provider for this version.
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (1.17 GB)

This version was created over 1 year ago.

  • Elastic APM agent
1 provider for this version.
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (1.17 GB)

This version was created over 1 year ago.

Upgrade ZendServer from 2021.1.2 to 2021.3.0

1 provider for this version.
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (1.15 GB)

This version was created almost 2 years ago.

  • PostgreSQL connection encryption added
1 provider for this version.
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (1.16 GB)

This version was created almost 2 years ago.

Added the mend sast cli to run the sast check locally

1 provider for this version.
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (1.17 GB)

This version was created about 2 years ago.

Added new mno cdr sftp folder and removed mvne key (mvne and mno keys are now provisioned by bll)

1 provider for this version.
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (1.15 GB)

This version was created about 2 years ago.

Added https configuration for NGINX and generate self signed certificate including for docs

1 provider for this version.
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (1.15 GB)

This version was created over 2 years ago.

Delete ELK stack from Vagrant

1 provider for this version.
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (1.15 GB)