How to use this box with Vagrant:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "openlogic/centos-7"
config.vm.box_version = "7.8.20201123"
vagrant init openlogic/centos-7 \
--box-version 7.8.20201123
vagrant up
This version was created almost 4 years ago.
The VirtualBox provider can use the instructions above, but the other providers require you do download the boxes locally before running Vagrant up:
You can install the boxes via the Vagrant Cloud method, download the metadata json file or provide the full URLs to the box files.
Vagrant Cloud method
vagrant box add openlogic/centos-7
metadata json and full URL methods:
These are discussed in our deployment guide.
For more information, including per-provider configuration info, support instructions, etc, please read our deployment guide