How to use this box with Vagrant:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "mikekasprzak/scotchbox"
  config.vm.box_version = "3.5"
vagrant init mikekasprzak/scotchbox \
  --box-version 3.5
vagrant up

This version was created over 1 year ago.

Initial (and hopefully last) version. Includes providers for both libvirt (QEMU/KVM) and VirtualBox, in case you need a fallback.

This image was created using vagrant-mutate. For me the image nearly worked as is, but I had to update /etc/network/interfaces so it could acquire an IP address.

libvirt images seem to be larger than VirtualBox, so my apologies for the larger download.

2 providers for this version.
  • libvirt
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (3.27 GB)
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (1.23 GB)