How to use this box with Vagrant:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "medoror/kubernetes-the-hard-way"
  config.vm.box_version = "1.0"
vagrant init medoror/kubernetes-the-hard-way \
  --box-version 1.0
vagrant up

This version was created over 4 years ago.

Debian Linux VM to run the Kubernetes the Hard Way tutorial

Based on "debian/contrib-testing64" with the following installed:

  • build-essential
  • curl
  • wget
  • apt-transport-https
  • ca-certificates
  • gnupg
  • tmux
  • vim
  • cfssl
  • cfssljson
  • kubectl
  • gcloud console

With this VM you should be good to start the tutorial here but don't forget to configure gcloud

1 provider for this version.
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (700 MB)