How to use this box with Vagrant:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "kurron/focal-xubuntu"
vagrant init kurron/focal-xubuntu
vagrant up
This version was created over 2 years ago.
Hyper-V support.
This version was created about 3 years ago.
Use Snap and SDK Man! to manage IDE and JVM installation instead of baking everything into the image. Checkout the bin folder for installation scripts. See README for launch instructions.
This version was created over 3 years ago.
Use Snap and SDK Man! to manage IDE and JVM installation instead of baking everything into the image. Checkout the bin folder for installation scripts. See README for launch instructions.
This version was created almost 4 years ago.
Use Snap and SDK Man! to manage IDE and JVM installation instead of baking everything into the image. Checkout the bin folder for installation scripts. See README for launch instructions.
This version was created about 4 years ago.
Use Snap and SDK Man! to manage IDE and JVM installation instead of baking everything into the image. Checkout the bin folder for installation scripts. See README for launch instructions.