How to use this box with Vagrant:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "dbsparkle/ami-ubuntu14"
vagrant init dbsparkle/ami-ubuntu14
vagrant up
This version was created almost 9 years ago.
There isn't a description.
This version was created almost 9 years ago.
Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (HVM) SSD Volume Type ami-5189a661 EBS General Purpose (SSD) Volume Type. Root device type: ebs Virtualization type: hvm AMI DETAILS
Model: t2.micro (Burstable Performance Instance, t2) vCPU: 1 CPU Credits/hour: 6 Mem (GiB): 1 Storage: EBS-Only
This version was created almost 9 years ago.
There isn't a description.
This version was created almost 9 years ago.