How to use this box with Vagrant:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "cultuurnet/ubuntu-14.04-64-puppet"
vagrant init cultuurnet/ubuntu-14.04-64-puppet
vagrant up

This version was created about 7 years ago.

This is a basic Ubuntu 14.04 box with Puppet installed, adapted from the puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-puppet 1.0.1 box.


  • VirtualBox guest additions 5.1.24
2 providers for this version.
  • lxc
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (156 MB)
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (1.01 GB)

This version was created about 7 years ago.

This is a basic Ubuntu 14.04 box with Puppet installed, adapted from the puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-puppet 1.0.1 box.


  • Puppet 4.10.4
  • VirtualBox guest additions 5.1.22
1 provider for this version.
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (1.02 GB)

This version was created almost 8 years ago.

This is a basic Ubuntu 14.04 box with Puppet 3.7.4 installed, adapted from the puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-puppet 1.0.1 box.


  • bigger disk (128 GB)
  • bigger swap partition (2 GB)
2 providers for this version.
  • lxc
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (138 MB)
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (505 MB)

This version was created about 8 years ago.

This is a basic Ubuntu 14.04 box with Puppet 3.7.4 installed, adapted from the puppetlabs/ubuntu-14.04-64-puppet 1.0.1 box.


  • bigger disk (60 GB)
  • bigger swap partition (2 GB)
2 providers for this version.
  • lxc
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (138 MB)
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (506 MB)