How to use this box with Vagrant:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "bento/centos-6.9"
vagrant init bento/centos-6.9
vagrant up

This version was created about 7 years ago.

{ "name": "centos-6.9", "version": "201708.22.0", "build_timestamp": "20170822211550", "git_revision": "a587fdc4fd88dcca3382d28f2eb9acaae59bcbb1", "git_status": "dirty", "box_basename": "centos-6.9-201708.22.0", "template": "centos-6.9-x86_64", "packer": "1.0.4", "vagrant": "1.9.7", "providers": [ { "name": "vmware", "version": "12.5.7", "file": "", "checksum_type": "sha256", "checksum": "dced593267183c6c07650f30d1f5087d324b381e3b24f7ba91f00e474cd0e5e0", "size": "376 MB", "build_time": 586 }, { "name": "virtualbox", "version": "5.1.26", "file": "", "checksum_type": "sha256", "checksum": "3c853b3c3d53ac7c16c9b715a4be5540ed28e5554064b9a01dcc9e7fcb156398", "size": "326 MB", "build_time": 586 } ] }

3 providers for this version.
  • parallels
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (376 MB)
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (342 MB)
  • vmware_desktop
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (376 MB)

This version was created about 7 years ago.

{ "name": "centos-6.9", "version": "2.3.8", "build_timestamp": "20170703174209", "git_revision": "3869bda09703774a3e5db1aca0d02c022f9d34db", "git_status": "dirty", "box_basename": "centos-6.9-2.3.8", "template": "centos-6.9-x86_64", "packer": "1.0.2", "vagrant": "1.9.5", "providers": [ { "name": "parallels", "version": "12.2.0", "file": "", "checksum_type": "sha256", "checksum": "ad464722ea58417a016ebb74878bb41635719356c3ee2ce699d269fcb08a8da6", "size": "312 MB", "build_time": 788 }, { "name": "virtualbox", "version": "5.1.22", "file": "", "checksum_type": "sha256", "checksum": "725cd9270ca48c8cecd595d3a32e6437e5ae143d4a0d1af591a619aaf304af1b", "size": "259 MB", "build_time": 788 }, { "name": "vmware", "version": "8.5.8", "file": "", "checksum_type": "sha256", "checksum": "d76d5607b4a6a72337d3d86c36feff7140297ca213d7368d98040eb0d06f4591", "size": "315 MB", "build_time": 788 } ] }

3 providers for this version.
  • parallels
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (313 MB)
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (277 MB)
  • vmware_desktop
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (319 MB)

This version was created about 7 years ago.

{ "name": "centos-6.9", "version": "2.3.7", "build_timestamp": "20170626190203", "git_revision": "e3d5d4b2fe48f9954fda4f534359fbaa65e7aa1c", "box_basename": "centos-6.9-2.3.7", "template": "centos-6.9-x86_64", "cpus": "1", "memory": "1024", "providers": [ { "name": "parallels", "file": "", "checksum_type": "sha256", "checksum": "96887f601cfc2cde6c2d78bf68de2d7d52eda7941d02ac108f053f5a7ba33069", "size": "331 MB" }, { "name": "virtualbox", "file": "", "checksum_type": "sha256", "checksum": "09d6f9cd82fd14c7b5c382d244071d3f0bb216bf37b84e72d547314fa6ecdbab", "size": "270 MB" }, { "name": "vmware_desktop", "file": "", "checksum_type": "sha256", "checksum": "b7d572b4b193f45799e48630a24d8f55fd81511be6bcd6df157f4cb4e97509e2", "size": "318 MB" } ], "tool_versions": { "packer": "1.0.2", "vagrant": "1.9.5", "parallels": "12.2.0", "virtualbox": "5.1.22", "vmware_fusion": "8.5.7" }, "build_times": { "vmware-iso": 596, "parallels-iso": 596, "virtualbox-iso": 596 } }

3 providers for this version.
  • parallels
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (331 MB)
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (270 MB)
  • vmware_desktop
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (317 MB)

This version was created over 7 years ago.

{ "name": "centos-6.9", "version": "2.3.5", "build_timestamp": "20170424133257", "git_revision": "a38fba79f9410f2f3bcb7d155bbc7714638a4b33", "box_basename": "centos-6.9-2.3.5", "template": "centos-6.9-x86_64", "cpus": "1", "memory": "1024", "providers": [ { "name": "vmware_desktop", "file": "", "checksum_type": "sha256", "checksum": "6979ebe37d74bd7d18bf00a19bed628f227a59727b620226b2897db95e495775", "size": "322 MB" } ], "tool_versions": { "packer": "0.12.3", "vagrant": "1.9.3", "parallels": "12.2.0", "virtualbox": "5.1.20", "vmware_fusion": "8.5.6" }, "build_times": { "vmware-iso": 750 } }

3 providers for this version.
  • parallels
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (317 MB)
  • virtualbox
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (264 MB)
  • vmware_desktop
    unknown Hosted by Vagrant Cloud (322 MB)