How to use this box with Vagrant:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "asmdk/bionic-apache-php7-mysql8"
vagrant init asmdk/bionic-apache-php7-mysql8
vagrant up
This version was created over 5 years ago.
Fixing serial port error
This version was created over 5 years ago.
Ready for symfony, yii2, laravel, drupal8, wordpress and etc...
service apache2 start|stop|restart|status
apache2ctl -h
service php7.3-fpm start|stop|restart|status
php -v
service mysql start|stop|restart|status
mysql -u root -p
service redis start|stop|restart|status
redis-server -v
redis-cli -v
composer --version
phpunit --version
user: asmdk
pass: asmdk
user: root
password: root
phpmyadmin url is "/phpmyadmin", e. g. http://localhost/phpmyadmin